Call for Student Representative Nominations for the IPRRG Executive Committee!

Attention all students! This is your chance to make a difference in the IPRRG community. We are currently seeking nominations for the Student Representative position on the IPRRG Executive Committee for the two-year term starting from October 2024.

The Student Representative will be elected separately but on the same ballot as the other positions. This is a fantastic opportunity to represent your peers and have a say in the leadership and direction of IPRRG.

The online election will commence in mid-September and conclude during our Annual Meeting in Malaga. The results will be announced towards the end of the meeting.

Are you a student who is passionate about IPRRG? Do you know a fellow student who would excel in this role? We encourage you to nominate yourself or a fellow IPRRG member for this position!

Please fill out the nomination form, available here. Let’s shape the future of IPRRG together! 🙌

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