IPRRG Election Nomination Form 2024

We are preparing to elect a new Executive Committee for the next two-year term. Please consider nominating an IPRRG member (or yourself) to serve on the Executive Committee for two years from October 2024. There are four standard positions plus a student representative. The IPRRG Executive Committee is a parliamentary system, whereby the four elected standard members decide amongst themselves which roles they will fill within the committee (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and Communications). The Student Representative is elected separately on the same ballot.

The (online) election will open mid-September and conclude during our upcoming Annual Meeting in Malaga. The election results will be announced near the conclusion of the meeting.

Are you interested in being involved in IPRRG leadership? Is there someone else who you think would make a good officer? In particular, do you know of any students who would be interested in representing their peers? Please consider nominating a fellow IPRRG member (or yourself!) to serve on the Executive Committee. Just fill out the nomination form below, which will be available until 15 July 2024.

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