Materials are now available from the recent Joint EFSA-EPPO Workshop: Modelling in Plant Health â how can models support risk assessment of plant pests and decision-making?
On 12-14 December 2016, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) held a joint workshop on Modelling in plant health â how can models support risk assessment of plant pests and decision-making? The workshop took place at the EFSA seat in Parma, Italy.
The risk assessment of plant pests is based on estimating their potential to enter the risk assessment area, to establish there, to spread and to have an impact. Models on pathways, spatial distribution  and  potential  abundance  of  pests  in  the  risk  assessment  area  can  support  risk assessment and the development and evaluation of management schemes. Models can also be used to estimate the impact of plant pests on crop yield and quality as well as on the environment.
The main objective of this workshop was to explore the application of models in plant health risk assessment and how risk assessment models may support decision-making in plant health.
The programme, abstracts, and presentations are available from the Workshop Page.