Project X

Burgeoning Asian Trade Connectivity:  Implications for International Pest Risks



Produce a multi-authored peer-reviewed journal paper as a thought-piece, exploring the issues associated with the pest risks stemming from the burgeoning Asian trade volumes and connectivity.  The scope will include the identification of emerging risks, and analytical commentary on the changes to biosecurity systems that might be required to cope with the emerging challenges.


The outline for the project was sketched out during the IPRRG 2018 meeting in Taichung.  This project is intended to focus the skills and talents of the International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG) on a pressing global issue and to demonstrate the value of the Group to scientists, managers, and policy makers with interests in biosecurity and pest invasions.  This project addresses two needs that IPPRG identified (BioScience. 2010. 60(5):349-362) to improve pest risk models and maps:

  • The need for international collaboration;
  • The need to work towards impact assessment.

Leadership and Participation

All members of IPRRG are welcome to contribute.  The overall effort is being coordinated by Darren Kriticos (darren.kriticos “AT”

Interested in participating but not yet a member of IPPRG? Please register and join us today!


Submission within one year.


A Google Drive has been created to store useful literature, data sets, and interim products.  Darren Kriticos administers the Drive and is willing to provide access upon request.  There are also online discussion forums (accessible by logged-in IPRRG members) for each team and the overall project.