Who Are We?

The International Pest Risk Research Group, or IPRRG, was first convened in 2007 as the International Pest Risk Mapping Workgroup. It is a dedicated group of research scientists and pest risk practitioners who aim to develop enhanced pest risk modelling and mapping methods through rigorous and innovative research focused on the key challenges faced by the discipline. We hold regular meetings to present, discuss, and test new developments. We collaborate on group projects. We communicate findings of the group and its members regarding these topics to a broad international audience that includes scientists, policymakers, the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and other end users. We also provide technical training in the methods utilized to generate these outputs, thereby promoting best practice in their application.

As the name suggests, the group is international, and while most members work for Government agencies or institutions, the group does not represent these agencies. The group is registered as a not-for-profit business in Australia. For banking and accounting purposes, the IPRRG applied to incorporate as an association in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) in 2023.

The original constitution of the IPRRG was formally ratified by group members in September 2015 and amended in September 2017. However, applying for incorporation as an association necessitated changes to the constitution with respect to member rights and responsibilities as well as governance rules. These changes did not affect the core mission, activities or organizational structure of the group, but were substantial enough that they could not be captured in a set of amendments to the previously ratified version of the constitution. So, a committee was convened to draft a new constitution. A provisional version of this new constitution was approved by the committee in September 2023 and was ratified by the active group members on 22nd of January 2024. The new adopted constitution is available here

The IPRRG Executive Committee for the 2024-2026 term includes the following officers:

Primary (i.e., elected) officers

Chair: Conor McGee (Dublin, Ireland)
Vice-Chair: Jessica Kriticos (Canberra, Australia)
Secretary-Treasurer: Ana Clariza Samayoa Castillo (Tegucigalpa, Honduras)
Communications Officer: Tomasz Kaluski (Parma, Italy)
Student Representative: Helena Romero (Malaga, Spain)

Appointed officers

Policy Liaison Officer: Alan MacLeod (York, UK)
Public Officer: Darren Kriticos (Canberra, Australia)
Immediate Past Chair: Frank Koch (Research Triangle Park, USA)