Category Archives: Uncategorized

New publication alert: climate change and the brown marmorated stink bug

A recently published article by IPRRG member Erica Kistner covers the findings from her talk at IPRRG 2017 in Ottawa, for which Erica won the Best Presentation award: Kistner, E.J. Climate change impacts on the potential distribution and abundance of the brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) with special reference to North America and Europe. […]

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Biological Invasions: special issue on biological invasions in forests

The latest issue of Biological Invasions (Vol. 19, Issue 11) is a special issue on invasions in forests, prepared by a task force of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). The table of contents (24 articles) is available here: Issue editors: Andrew M Liebhold, Eckehard G Brockerhoff, and Martin A. Nuñez

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New publication alert!

Hey IPRRG members! You may be interested in the following article recently published in Ecology and Evolution: Lustig, Audrey; Worner, Susan P.; Pitt, Joel P.W.; Doscher, Crile; Stouffer, Daniel B.; Senay, Senait D. A modeling framework for the establishment and spread of invasive species in heterogeneous environments. Ecol. Evol. 2017; 00:1–11. The article describes […]

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Euphresco project on assessment and prioritisation of pathways

Euphresco is a network of organisations funding research projects and coordinating national research in the phytosanitary area. The overall goal of Euphresco is to support coordination and collaboration in the area of phytosanitary research, and to become a strong, long-term network of funders that fully incorporate existing and new members. Currently, Euphresco is coordinating a […]

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IPRRG Executive Committee for the 2017-2019 term

After conferring among ourselves, the incoming members of the IPRRG Executive Committee have selected Darren Kriticos as Chair for the 2017-2019 term. The other officers are as follows: Denys Yemshanov, Vice-Chair; Senait Senay, Secretary-Treasurer; Frank Koch, Communications Officer; and Ana Clariza Samoyoa, Student Representative. Please feel free to contact any officer regarding IPRRG matters — […]

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