Category Archives: Uncategorized

Publication of the European Atlas of Forest Tree Species

The EC’s Joint Research Centre celebrated the International Day of Forests (21 March) by launching the first ever European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. A result of the collaborative efforts of leading scientists and forestry professionals, this publication provides information on the different species that can be found in European forests and the factors that threaten them, […]

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New software provides access to powerful wind dispersion models

TAPPAS – Tool for Assessing Pest and Pathogen Aerial Spread – is a new online software tool for modelling the dispersal of living organisms in near-real time. Recently released by CSIRO, TAPPAS Version 1 offers a simple user interface for researchers and collaborators to study long-distance wind dispersal by providing access to powerful dispersion and […]

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Old world bollworm risk to US borne out

Pest risk modelling warning for old world bolworm borne out In July, the South East Farm Press reported that a male Helicoverpa armigera (old world bollworm) adult had been detected in the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey survey in Florida.  [Latest reports have updated this to three adult male moths trapped].  This species poses a threat to a very wide range of […]

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Helicoverpa armigera invading the Americas

Helicoverpa armigera larva in maize (Photo Tek Tay, CSIRO)

Helicoverpa armigera larva in maize (Photo Tek Tay, CSIRO)

Helicoverpa armigera has recently been discovered in South America.  It has since been tracked spreading into the Caribbean.  Pest risk modelling has revealed that most of the US crop production may be at some degree of risk from this pest, which has developed resistance to most pesticides.  The rapid northward spread in the Americas suggests that it is now a matter of when, rather than if it will invade the USA.  The pest risk research has been published in PLOS One.

The potential distribution of Helicoverpa armigera

The current and potential distribution of Helicoverpa armigera


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