Constitutional Amendments

Home Discussion Forums – the Agora Group Business Constitutional Amendments

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    • #2297
      Frank KochFrank Koch

      Proposed changes to the IPRRG constitution will be posted here for discussion prior to a vote by members.

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Frank KochFrank Koch.
    • #2300
      Frank KochFrank Koch

      The following amendment has been proposed to Article 7c. — new text in bold:

      ARTICLE 7c. BUSINESS MEETING. The business meeting is open to all meeting attendees, although attendance is optional except for members of the Executive Committee. Because some business items (e.g., propositions) may be linked to an ongoing online vote, the business meeting must happen at some time prior to the last day of the Group meeting. The purpose of the business meeting is to discuss the business of the Group, including elections, financial status, and membership updates. In particular, the current Secretary-Treasurer is required to report on the Group’s finances during the preceding calendar year, including presentation of the year’s balance sheet to meeting attendees. Another key objective is to select a host country or region for the next Group meeting. Any Group member may nominate their own country or region to host; they should contact the Chair of the Group in advance if they will be unable to attend the business meeting. The nomination should include a list of suitable candidates to act as Local Arrangements Organizer. The name of the host institution and the venue should also be included where possible. The Executive Committee will discuss the nominated host countries (or regions) and select one by the end of the business meeting. The Chair of the Group will then begin the process of identifying and appointing a Local Arrangements Organiser; the Local Arrangements Organiser for the upcoming meeting should be in place within four weeks (28 days) of the end of the current meeting. If no Local Arrangements Organiser can be identified within this time period, or if any issues arise that appear likely to hinder a successful meeting, the Executive Committee may select an alternative host country or region from those proposed at the business meeting.

      Additionally, any Group member may nominate their country or region as host for the Group meeting to be held two years from the current meeting. Nominations should include a list of suitable candidates to act as the Local Arrangements Organiser. The name of the host institution and the venue should also be included where possible. A Group member who intends to make such a nomination should inform the Chair of the Group in advance of the business meeting, especially if unable to attend that meeting, so that the Chair can advise the rest of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will discuss nominations for the host country (or region) at the business meeting, and may either make a selection or table the nominations for discussion at the next Group meeting. If selected as host, the Local Arrangements Organiser should be in place no later than four weeks (28 days) after the next Group meeting, and sooner if possible. As noted above, the Executive Committee may select an alternative host country or region if issues arise that appear likely to hinder meeting success, including an inability to identify a Local Arrangements Organiser.

      The purpose of this amendment is to allow the Executive Committee to select a host country or region for a group meeting two years in advance, if a suitable nominee is put forward. In addition, some of the revised wording gives the Executive Committee flexibility to select an alternate host if unforeseen problems arise. Please feel free to discuss in this forum. A group-wide vote on the amendment will coincide with this year’s meeting in Ottawa (end of August – early September).

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Frank KochFrank Koch.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Frank KochFrank Koch.
      • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by Frank KochFrank Koch.
    • #2719
      Darren KriticosDarren Kriticos

      I would suggest changing it slightly, increasing the engagement options for members:

      Additionally, any Group member may nominate their country or region as host for the Group meeting to be held two years from the current meeting. Nominations should include a list of suitable candidates to act as the Local Arrangements Organiser. The name of the host institution and the venue should also be included where possible. A Group member who intends to make such a nomination should inform the Chair of the Group a member of the Executive Committee in advance of the business meeting, especially if unable to attend that meeting, so that the Committee Member can advise the rest of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will discuss nominations for the host country (or region) at the business meeting, and may either make a selection or table the nominations for discussion at the next Group meeting. If selected as host, the Local Arrangements Organiser should be in place no later than four weeks (28 days) after the next Group meeting, and sooner if possible. As noted above, the Executive Committee may select an alternative host country or region if issues arise that appear likely to hinder meeting success, including an inability to identify a Local Arrangements Organiser.

    • #2880
      Senait SenaySenait Senay


      Just a comment regarding the suggested insertion “The name of the host institution and the venue should also be included where possible.”

      It might be sufficient if the name of host institution is specified. Adding the specifics about a venue might discourage volunteers who might want to make the effort of hosting an IPRRG meeting. I believe if an individual/institution is committed to host the next meeting they will need at least a couple of months to secure a venue. I know the way it is worded is not binding as there is the “where possible” clause but I reckon it is better to remove the part about venues.

      While I am here, is it possible to nominate more than one candidate for the election?

      Thank you

      • #2932
        Darren KriticosDarren Kriticos

        I take your point Senait. Sorting out these details can take some time. The proposed wording is meant to encourage proponents to sort out these details beforehand. We want to encourage proposals where we can see evidence that the proponent has at least sought in principle approval from a relevant sponsoring agency. We also want to give consideration to issues like transport logistics, travel bans and safety. We can only do that if we have at least a city or town in the proposal. Having a specific venue or a list of venue options within the city/town included in the proposal helps us to judge the merits of the proposal. As you say, the “where possible” clause provides some flexibility.

    • #2718
      Darren KriticosDarren Kriticos

      Thanks for putting in this effort Frank. Someone has to keep up people’s spirits. Hang on?! 🙂

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