10th Meeting of the International Pest Risk Research Group
23-26 August 2016
Parma, Italy
*** UPDATE: Thank you to all of the participants who made IPRRG 2016 such a great meeting! Participant presentations will be posted soon for viewing and download.
Congratulations to our medal winners:
Best Presentation: Denys Yemshanov; Canadian Forest Service, Sault Ste. Marie, Canada
Best Student Presentation: Elena Costi; Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Centro Interdipartimentale Biogest-Siteia, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy
Best Student Poster: Papitchaya Teawkul; Department of Entomology, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Meeting Announcement: The International Pest Risk Research Group (IPRRG) will be hosting its 10th annual meeting in association with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) from 23-26 August 2016 at EFSAs headquarters in Parma, Italy. The full meeting announcement can be downloaded *here*.
***Registration is now closed. *** On-site registration will be unavailable for this meeting.
Travel and Accommodation:Â Click here to download an information packet with details on travel to Parma and local accommodation. (Meeting attendees who decide to stay at Starhotels Du Parc, which is closest to the meeting venue, should be able to book at the EFSA rates. When contacting the hotel, please mention that you are having a meeting at EFSA.)
Schedule / Program: The meeting will begin at 8:30 AM on Tuesday 23 August and end at mid-day on Friday 26 August. IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ATTENDEES: Please arrive on time, or even a little early, each day. To pass through EFSA Security, you will need your passport and hotel details and be subject to a baggage search. Please consult the meeting program (link below) for arrival times (usually 8:30 AM).
In addition to technical presentations and discussions, time is allotted during the meeting for professional networking and collaborative work on group projects, such as the IPRRG global assessment of the risks posed by the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, to plant health.
*Click to download a PDF of the final meeting program.*