IPRRG 2024 – Presentations

Franck KockWelcome Presentation
Duncan AllenHorizon scanning: a UK perspective
Wopke van der WerfPredicting likely establishment locations of non-native pests from past reports of first establishments
Libertad Sanchez-PresaModelling invasion risk of plant pests using Self-Organising Maps to support pest risk assessment activities
Joseph StinzianoQuantitative Horizon Scanning for Invasive Pests
Muriel SuffertEPPO information on pests: where to find them, how to best use them?
Fang-Yu NingComparison of Methodologies for Assessing the Risk of Potential Distribution of
Quarantine Pests due to Climatic Factors: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Qualitative Analysis Method and the MaxEnt Model
Eduardo de la PeñaNew strategies for monitoring pests in tropical crops: Insights from DNA barcoding and field surveys
Tomasz KaluskiOptimisation of plant pest survey efforts
Anto Raja DominiA field-level, epidemiological risk forecast model for sclerotinia in winter rapeseed in Germany
Gabriella “Gaby” OliverIdentifying the top damaging pests in country’s cropping systems: two case studies
Conor Francis McGeeIntegrating plant pest risk registers with national pest surveillance programs
Tim BealeUtilizing population dynamics to optimise Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies – Phthorimaea absoluta on Tomatoes in Kenya case study
Darren KriticosCLIMEX and DYMEX V4.1:
New advances and strategic outlook for an important PRA toolkit
Catherine BradshawComparing inward and outward strategies for delimiting non-native plant pest outbreaks
Anna M. SzyniszewskaApproaches to estimating factors contributing to yield losses in the Global Burden of Crop Loss project
Kevin SchneiderPrioritizing species from the List of EU Quarantine Pests for a Full Analysis
Helena RomeroNew strategies for monitoring pests in (sub-)tropical crops:
Insights from DNA Barcoding and Field Surveys
Hongyu SunComparing inward and outward strategies for delimiting non native plant pest outbreaks