TAPPAS – Tool for Assessing Pest and Pathogen Aerial Spread – is a new online software tool for modelling the dispersal of living organisms in near-real time. Recently released by CSIRO, TAPPAS Version 1 offers a simple user interface for researchers and collaborators to study long-distance wind dispersal by providing access to powerful dispersion and weather prediction models. With natural spread being an important pathway for many invasive organisms, TAPPAS can have particular value in understanding and quantifying risks of biosecurity incursions.
TAPPAS Version 1 has been designed to help researchers, policy-makers and practitioners address questions of biosecurity risk, however, the software has been specifically designed to be flexible and adaptable. The software can be used to study long-distance wind dispersal relevant to many fields including biogeography, ecology, pollen allergens, dust and smoke.
TAPPAS provides:
- near-real time analysis and decision making in response to windborne threats (outputs can be generated in minutes/hours using the latest climate data)
- the ability for non-technical users to conduct sophisticated dispersal analyses
- results that are reproducible and clearly demonstrate why decisions were made (less guesswork, greater transparency and traceability)
- exciting new R&D opportunities.
If you are interested in helping to further develop and apply TAPPAS to real world problems, or wish to learn more, please contact Rieks van Klinken or subscribe to CSIRO’s TAPPAS Updates.